Ior CorporationIor CorporationIor Corporation

About us

How it all started

In 2020, we dreamed of bringing the most captivating and innovative mobile games to the market. With a team full of passion and creativity, we embarked on this journey with enthusiasm and ambition. In the early stages, we dedicated ourselves to developing and launching mobile games, laying the foundation for a promising company.

As we evolved, we increasingly understood the needs and challenges of the digital market. We realized that we could make our contribution in a broader and more significant way. Thus, we chose to pivot towards the fields of web design and digital marketing.

This strategic shift has provided us with the opportunity to expand our expertise and focus on developing more complex and valuable digital solutions. With each new project, we have gained the trust of clients and accumulated experience in delivering superior quality services.

Today, we are proud to be recognized as a company dedicated to innovation and excellence in the fields of web design and digital marketing. However, we aspire for more. We aim to expand into multiple areas, explore new horizons, and develop digital solutions that positively impact the world. Thus, we continue to seek challenges and orient ourselves towards a future full of achievements and impact.

Our work

Companies owned by IOR Corporation

An overview of the projects we have developed over time.


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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)